Getting the right data for your project isn't luck. It takes careful planning and scientific design.
A clear understanding of your research questions is imperative. This will help you determine what data to collect, how and when to collect them, and how to analyse them. Get this right and you'll save yourself time, stress and money. BPM has the technical knowledge, experience, and the right personnel and equipment to help with your next research project.
We have spent years training and specialising in all forms of marine megafauna research and monitoring so we can supply our clients with:
Survey design, advice, planning and active fieldwork
Land-based, sea-based and aerial surveys
Satellite tagging and biopsying
Data analysis and reporting
Logistical assistance and equipment
Whatever your research needs we have the right experience, tools and people. Talk to us today about your project requirements and let us help you get the best data possible!
To find out more about our research services, read further:
Environmental capabilities document
Marine turtle research and monitoring capabilities document
Recent Projects
- Controlled exposure experiments to determine the impacts of seismic surveys and the effectiveness of soft-starts on cetaceans (Funded by: E&P Sound and Marine Life Joint Industry Programme; United States Bureau of Ocean Energy Management; International Association of Oil & Gas Producers; International Association of Geophysical Contractors). BPM was a collaborator on this project, entitled BRAHSS.
- Ground-based estimates of New Zealand sea lion pup production and mark recapture studies of pups at the sub-Antarctic Auckland Islands. Client: Department of Conservation (DOC), New Zealand (NZ).
- Collaboration with the Australian Antarctic Division in undertaking acoustic and visual surveys for Blue Whales in the Bonny Upwelling. Client: Australian Antarctic Division.
- Estimate of the risk of vessel strike to marine mammals in Australian waters. Client: Australian Government.
- Multidisciplinary research programme on the humpback whale breeding grounds of the Great Barrier Reef - photo-ID, genetic analysis and bioacoustics. Joint project with University of Queensland and Oregon State University.
- Humpback whale satellite tagging, photo-ID and genetic sampling at the Kermadec Islands. Client: University of Auckland.
- Aerial surveys off South Australia to assess the diversity and distribution of cetaceans, with a focus on great whales (e.g. baleen whales plus sperm whale), and in particular blue whales. Client: IFAW.
- Pilot studies to test aerial survey methods and land-based survey locations for population surveys of breeding stock ‘D’ of humpback whales (Western Australia). Client: Australian Marine Mammal Centre.
- Provide expert advice on monitoring and research programs for Māui dolphin, associated with offshore activities. Client: Golder NZ.
- Development of a draft coordinated research strategy to collect information required to assess the national conservation status of Australian tropical inshore dolphins. Client: SEWPAC.
- Vessel-based survey within the Great Barrier Reef to validate modelling data on the identification of breeding grounds in the Great Barrier Reef. Client: Australian Antarctic Division.
- Abundance estimation of breeding stock 'D' of humpback whales (Western Australia): a pilot study to design optimal survey methods and determine location. Client: Australian Antarctic Division.
- Development of an aerial survey design for estimating the abundance of Hector’s dolphins (joint venture between colleagues at Cawthron Institute, Marine Wildlife Research, and Proteus Wildlife Research Consultants). Client: Ministry of Primary Industries.
- Satellite tagging of humpback and southern right whales in Australia, New Zealand and Antarctica. Client: Australian Antarctic Division.